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  • Are pets allowed?
    Yes! There is a $100 pet fee for additional cleaning.
  • What toiletries and supplies will I need to bring with me?
    You will receive a starter pack of 2 trash bags in the kitchen trash can, 2 rolls of toilet paper per bathroom, 1 roll of paper towel, 1 laundry soap, 3 dishwasher pods, 1 bottle of liquid dish soap, 1 sponge, and per bathroom and kitchen. In each bathroom you will have 4 towels, 1 hand towel, 3 wash cloths, 1 bath mat, 1 shampoo, 1 conditioner, and 1 bar of soap. You will be responsible for any extra supplies needed during your stay.
  • Are events allowed?
    For Group Events, Retreats, Weddings, or Photography Events that need additional land detailing, inquire with us about pricing details based on specifications.
  • What time is check in?
    Since check in is not until 3 PM CST, you are more than welcome to go ahead and check into the property at 1 PM to enjoy the outdoors while you wait for the cabin to be ready! Early check-in or late check-out may be available; additional charges may apply.
  • Does the cabin have internet?
    We're happy to offer wireless Internet access for your convenience through Verizon jet pack on site. Cell service is available and cell booster is at cabin to enhance service. If you have any trouble connecting to the Internet, please take a few moments to complete the following steps: - Please check to be sure that the network name and password are entered correctly - Please check that the router is plugged in - Try unplugging and replugging the router and check to see if the network name appears - Try powering off and powering on your laptop or device - If none of these steps work, try contacting the internet provider directly for troubleshooting - while you're welcome to call us too, this is usually the fastest way to solve the issue and get you connected!
  • What time is check out?
    Our standard checkout time is 12:00, and our team of housekeepers will be along shortly after to prepare the home for its next guest. If you have time to complete the following steps before your departure, they would be very grateful! - Make sure you've packed up all your personal belongings. While we’re happy to send lost & found items back to you, you'll be responsible for the cost of shipping plus a $25 USD processing fee—so double-check for that phone charger! - Please start the dishwasher before you leave. - No need to worry about washing the sheets or towels - we’ve got it! Leave sheets on the bed with the comforter folded back if the bed was used and place all towels in the bathtub. - Help us save energy by turning off the thermostat and lights. - Make sure all windows and doors are locked when you leave and please lock the gate behind you. Drive safely & have a great trip home. We hope to see you again soon! Please share a review of your stay:)
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